Go All In

person holding camera lens

A habit in the 21st century is to choose what to do and what not to do. Which becomes a very tough choice for specially people who are about to get started with their careers or relationships.

The two major aspects which plays very important role of how we end up in life and how much fulfilled are we gone be at the death bed.

The common thing is consuming a lot of content. The habit of being in Aspirational, dreamy and virtual world does more harm than good.

The youngsters specially in the hope of getting clarity. Start to consume knowledge given by their ideals, which gives them big possibilities and things to look up to in their life to achieve.

This all happens due to the dopamine shoot which occurs in the brain while we watch or listen to the content by some or the other authorities we follow in any way.

The reel culture is a another level of addiction which develops ADHD & OCD among youngsters. The attention span shortens. The distraction levels increase cause as the brain is exposed to such things, craves for more which is vicious cycle in itself.

It worst then drugs, this eat ups your time and energy. Like never before. The creativity of an individual decreases, motivation gets affected etc.

If you can relate to the above things. There is high probability that you are training your brain to wait for perfect moments. The brain is in most of the aspects addicted to chase perfection and delay commitment. Due to the social media exposure.

If you are suffering from such a trap then do a life audit if all areas of life. Create a possible choice chart. Go choose the thing which has the highest probability of getting your goals achieved.

Never look back until you make a project around it. Then you have to work for everything possibly you can., until you figure out what works. Taking action and going all in on one thing will make you more happy then anything else.

Your biggest asset is time. So stop waiting, blaming, hating, searching and start acting on your interest.

Questions of the week

What is the one thing that you can do, even when no one give you money ?

What is the one thing that you can not take your off from ?

Challenge of the week

Drink at 3-4L of water for the whole month starting today and see if you can do it. Cause if you do it, you will surely thank me later 🤩

Reflection of the week

Courage is just one step away. So get up and go for it.

Hope it helped you become aware. You can reflect weekly with me on different aspects of life. Sign up for the newsletter and take the first step towards this life changing opportunity

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