Chase the Procrastination

a man sitting at a desk with a laptop and headphones

Procrastination is a perpetual habit of humans to let go the feeling of discomfort. We fall prey to this behaviour on daily basis in some or other form.

You are waiting for something to happen

The people who are unsatisfied, unhappy, unsuccessful are those who wait for the world to serve everything on a platter and enjoy the fruits without creating any form of value in terms of cash or kind. They often delay things unless something just perfect comes up so they can execute on their thinking. Yet waiting for the miracles they don’t reach anywhere in life and then blame the world for whatever happens to them.

Perfection and the dead ends

The people who chase perfection often end up in distraction and pleasure seeking behaviours. They are highly focused on the outcome. The mindset of being a perfect creator makes them paralysed if a single thing does not work as they have expected. Procrastination is just habit of doing things with the effort to make yourself feel good for a moment or two and avoid the uncertainty of anything that is going on in our life.

The easiest way out

People who are perfectionist can really do some simple things to make their and others life easier. As a perfectionist a person is highly outcome focused. His all energy goes into creating certainty of outcome from whatever he does to achieve anything. People with such habits often fear uncertainty and failure.
They can create step by step approach to let go of this mind set.

The following can be done to attain confidence and action

  1. Do some experience to familiarise yourself with the thing you are trying to accomplish.
  2. Learn the fundamentals of the work to be at ease with yourself.
  3. Create practice assignment to bridge the gap between imagination and reality
  4. Then focus on what works and what does not work.
  5. Create a system around what needs to be done to achieve a certain kind of outcome.

Get rid of the laziness

The only thing you need to lower your expectations and take action regardless of whatever the outcome will be, unless we act on something we wish to do everything seems tough. One way to get yourself going is to give your mind a recap of what all you feared in the past and after taking the action has worked in your favour.


Systems can be so effective ways to reduce your stress and increase your performance and output.

Question of the week

Why great people are different from the ordinary ?

Book of the week

Read the book principles by ray Dalio it is an amazing book life and business.


Believe in yourself more when no one else does.

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