How do you overcome big challenges ?

it is possible to overcome challenges

Challenges are what makes us better in terms of experience. Overcoming them has not been so easy in anyone’s life ever. They make us feel nervous, fearful, anxious the more we ignore them the worse it gets.

No one is left unknown to the challenges of life, yet some people make opportunities out of challenges and some end up being in big troubles seeing challenges as dead ends.

When big challenges Knock our doors many a times we are not ready to deal with them. Staying calm is one of the best things you can do to be sane. Loosing conscious thinking in those moments can make things worse.

I have been through some decisions in life which I was not ready to accept. Here are 9 ways I used personally to make efficient choices that made things smooth in the journey of life.

9 Practical Ways to Overcome Challenges

1. Look at the Past achievements

We are all aware of the common notion of learning from the past mistakes yet no one reflects on the past victories to gather self belief. Challenges were with us since the day we were born its not alien thing to us.

Its just the degree of those challenges get higher as we get older and faced with making decisions on a daily basis. As we know there was a time when walking was a challenge for us. Yet we overcame that pretty nicely.


We should always gather courage from our past victories to move ahead in the heaps of unknown treasures. Even if they sometimes make us feel fearful of the consequences.

2. Talk to someone you trust

Our minds are reflective systems. They work best when have we insights about things. We take better decisions when we have multiple perspectives in our minds about a single thing.

To look at things in a fresh perspective. We need conversations which are unbiased & from a different lens. As things are changing and due to past experiences with people we have developed a habit to trust on a few.

Men and women sitting and talking

We call them our whole world. When times are tough we should always reach out to the people we can talk to openly and be vulnerable. These people can give us a new perspective and can show us a totally different view of our situation.

This makes finding solution to any problem easier and accessible. One of the best things you can do is having mentors to look upto. Mentors can ease things out as they have lived the phase of life and have an unbiased take on things.

3. Don’t suppress your feelings

Showing our emotional side is often seen as weak which is the worst conditioning the society has hard wired us with. From early age we learn to hide our feeling which in the elder years of life become a disaster.

Man hiding his feelings

It turns out that these are the sole reasons why mental health issues increase in adulthood and even teenage. We try to ignore the truth which overtime becomes a negative energy within.

The biggest impact is on our intuition which overtime do not help us as we are not keeping up with our promises. lying may help in the short term yet it hampers our self esteem over a period of time.

4. Write it down

fountain pen on spiral book

As there is a common saying which goes like – if you write a problem, you have already solved it 50%. Writing is the most essential practice when it comes to clarity of thoughts and articulation of ideas.

We many a times find ourselves in stressful situations. We also feeling like sharing with others yet it does not help. Writing is a way out to express your true emotions. Unloading your thought bubble which is keeping you trapped.

It is essential to write once, so you can reflect and attain clarity in your perspective. It will help you detach yourself from the situation and look closely of whatever you are facing as a challenge.

5. Think Long term


We often procrastinate on making decisions fearing consequences. Most of the decisions of a person are socially driven which is a factor that makes us anxious when taking risk or facing challenges.

Long term thinking help us get clarity. It provide us a practical view of things. It help us overcome the emotional impulsive behaviour which may times fool us into making bad decisions.

The bigger your plans are, the more comfortable your emotional state will become.

6. Evaluate your self talk

Man talking to himself

We talk most of the time with ourselves. Something become a trap or a Mental disease just because we give that thought more energy. You should always sit with yourself daily to check what are things you were whispering about unconsciously.

It shapes our belief in the long run. We are conditioned to avoid pain and move towards gain. Self talk can make or break a person. So always be skeptical of what you talk to yourself.

Just using self talk and visualisation techniques. You can program you mind for totally new potential and capabilities. One practice you can follow is to visualise and sit for 30 minutes in silence before bed.

7. Believe in yourself

Something worthy is what I have known and followed since last decade is you have to believe yourself more when no one does. Validating things from inside is a super power which very few people posses.


keeping up with your belief in challenging times can be tiring at the start but if you do it is highly rewarding. You can take a look at the life stories of people you admire & you will find everywhere someone has trusted in his/her vision more than others.

This single trait has made more success in the history than anything else. Challenges are what differentiate extra ordinary from the ordinary. Making things hard before they become easier is the nature of things. Always have faith in yourself because life give us surprises when we expect them the least.

8. Keep Looking for Solutions

Solve a puzzle

The brain has all the power to attract anything we want it to achieve. When we are always in the hunt of solution to the problems we develop neural networks which promotes creativity. I have personally done it & have solved some exciting mysteries of my personality.

It requires grit to make it happen on your own terms. Being patient at times where nothing is in your favour will give you the paths you need to follow for overcoming those challenges. the longer you stay in the process the brighter and prosperous you will be.

9. Always challenge yourself

woman in black shirt and blue denim jeans sitting on black exercise equipment

Small wins everyday can make your self esteem high eventually making your mind to believe in your abilities. The challenge can be as small as completing whatever you decided to in a day or even keeping the promises you make to yourself or anyone else.

You are always more capable than what you think of you are. If you avoid challenges in life, you can end up in a negative and hopeless spiral of thoughts, so keep pushing your limits to make the best out of the one life you have been offered by the divine.

Book of the week

Read – ” The Emyth Revisited by Micheal E. Gerber

This book will change the way you think about small business and your mindset overall when you build a business. The roles you need to play at different stages of your company.

Challenge of the week

You may think one more challenge 😁. This is the ritual we follow here. so to go ahead with a challenge for this week. You have to do something that is entirely out of your interest and do it for at least 30 days straight. Why do this – it will give you a reality check.

It will help you know the impact of new things and learning and will help you explore new world view which was never ever thought by you exists.

Reflection of the week

Discussing and sharing your thoughts can help you drastically on reflecting on things you were missing out. It can give you fresh perspective thus helping solve some of the biggest problems you thought can not be tackled.

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