The Entrepreneur The Manager The Technician

person in black long sleeve shirt holding persons hand

Entrepreneur’s should read this book “The Emyth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber” this is an eye opening book on what actually goes in a small business and why they don’t work and what to do when you own one or willing to own in the future.

After finishing this book. I thought to write something about what I learned and share it with all of you. Small business are started every year by millions of people around the world to find or create place of their own.

These businesses are started with high energy by different kinds of people. some are very creative, some in the chase of freedom, some to solve a problem, some to make an impact, some in frustration of working for somebody else.

There are always many hopes and dreams attached to this entity. when you start a business whatever you do is to add value in People’s life in exchange of Money. the value can be added in the form of providing Products or Services.

Many of the people who have no background in business generally start the venture by providing services as in most cases it does not require huge amount of capital investments. This makes things seem like anyone can start some kind of business who has something to provide in terms of value.

There are in short three types of people required to run the business smoothly and grow it into something known as brand in the modern world. those three are – The Entrepreneur, The Manager, The Technician.

Let’s look at the different roles each one plays and what difficulties they experience in the process of running a business or simply doing their part of the work to keep that system running smoothly.

The Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur sitting and thinking

The most popular buzzword in the modern era. Entreprenuer is the think tank behind the idea, the opportunity, the loop hole, the need, the demand finder whatever you call it. entrepreneur is the visionary person who see the future potential of something that could be economically beneficial if acted upon now.

Entrepreneurs has high amounts of energy and enthusiasm. who is willing to take the risk to pursue the idea and turn it into a reality. he always needs someone to handle and organise in a sensible way whatever his mind produces all the time.

he is a restless individual who is always looking at the future and what he as a person can contribute to make things better for the people around him to drive economic benefits for the entity he is willing to establish.

The Manager

woman placing sticky notes on wall

The Person Manages everything from people, inventory and everything else generally looking at the operational part of the business most of the time. he works in the past. he organises and keep things in order to achieve the goals of the business.

He always gets irritated about entreprenuer who keeps on bringing new problems, ideas and challenges for the manager to handle. which disturbs the already running system and process created by him for smooth functioning.

The Technician

man sitting on chair beside laptop computer and teacup

Technician is the person doing everything on the execution and getting things done. His sole focus is on getting things done. he is always doing some kind work to achieve the goals of the organisation.

He thinks that the manager is the problem. who constantly disturbs him while doing the work. ordering him now and then on what needs to be done next and what is not completed yet. there comes an issue which makes everything difficult for the business to work in a smooth way.

What Next

We all have these three personalities in us. Each one fighting for its presence in our minds. you may have noticed yourself. sometimes you plan for the future, sometimes you organise things and at other times working to get things done.

Understanding this can help you which role to play at what stage of your business. the start seems quite messy with being working to create new logos, name, product, sales channels, etc. once people join to work for the organisation. you have to switch to a different role.

once you start to hire people for your business operations. you swap between the role of a manager as well as technician. then eventually if the business starts to get traction, you have to play the role of an entrepreneur.

Entreprenuer continuously makes the systems and also breaks them time and again so the organisation does not end up being stagnant and continously grows into a mature company.

The Major Problem

a blue question mark on a pink background

You Start working at a company in a certain job like for example – a graphic designer, after a while you see that your boss does nothing yet makes good money, then you start to believe that you are most important person as you know the craft of graphic design.

One day you get frustrated and then you think to do it own your own, thinking you can also build a business as you love what you did at the firm and you can do it. you start the business, you work round the clock to make it work.

You bring in some people to work for you, as it is getting hectic for you to do it all alone. Then you deligate work to the people you just hired. which also create some problems like delays, quality issues and much more though it has benefits in work load distribution and expert input.

In case you get past this stage well. you face more challenges. this growth needs a mindset shifts. Generally not every person who starts a business is aware of it. which makes it difficult for people to make good business.

The Following skills you should always focus on while building a business.

  1. Resiliance – The ability to bounce back in the face multiple faliures.
  2. Grit – The ability to stand unshaken in your low times.
  3. Learning Attitude – you should always be willing to learn new things.
  4. Persuasion – The ability to influence people and listen to you
  5. Leadership – The ability to guide and direct people in uncertain times.

Book of the week

Read – Copywriting Secrets by Jim Edwards. this book will teach you how to persuade people with words and the right mindset about sales. overall make you a good sales person.

Challenge of the week

There is no challenge this week 😀

Reflection of the week

It’s your responsibility in the end no one is responsible.

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